Bulgarian Institute of Solid State Physics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


Union of the Physicists in Bulgaria

Created: 11.2.2011
Updated: 14.1.2014

Georgi Dimitrov Zartov
(04.08.1947 – 2002)

Born: in Tetovo Vilage, Razgrad District.


    He studied High school in Ruse (1965).

    Enrolled physics in the Sofia University (1965 – 1967). Graduated physical optics speciality in the University of Kharkov № 883402 / 19 June 1970 (1967 – 1970)

    Zartov was PhD student in Kharkov (1972 – 1975). The subject of his dissertation was "Interference filters with pitched interspace". The number of his diploma is 24472 from 19 November 1975. It was legalized in Bulgaria in 19 April 1976.

    G. Zartov specialised optics of thin layers light-emitting diode in Germany (1979 – 1980) and Hungary (1981)

    He spoke Russian and Germany fluantly


    Subjects of his research were interference phenomena in many layers film and structures
    He created interference modulator for laser light
    He investigated optical stability of structures for interference
    He headed some military investigation in the area of optoelectronics

Teaching Activities

    In the Sofia University Zartov has course of lectures on "Thin-layered Optics" (starting in 1983)

Professional experience

    Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Institute of physics appointed him (01.04.1972 – 15.09.1972)
&nsp;   He worked in the Optics and Spectroscopy Laboratory in the Institute of Solid State Physics (1 October 1975)
    He became I rank assistant professor in 1 February 1981


  1. К. Киров, Н. Иванов, Г. Зартов, Електродна система на установка за получаване на тънки слоеве чрез катодно разпрашване, авторско свидетелство № 18506

  2. С. Томова, Р. Пеева, Г. Зартов, Многослоен ентерференъчен светофилтър, авторско свидетелство № 26327

  3. Р. Пеева, Б. Зафирова, Г. Зартов, К. Антонова, Многослойно диелектрично огледало за лазери, авторско свидетелство № 30286 от 9 октомври 1985. Внедрено в Националния Промишлен Комплекс Оптика при Държавното стопанско обединение Металхим (09.10.1985)

  4. Г. Зартов, К. Антонова, Р. Пеева, Б. Зафирова, Оптичен елемент просветлен чрез интерференчна система от тънки слоеве, авторско свидетелство № 30436 от 9 октомври 1985 година. Внедрено в Централната Лаборатория за Космически Изследвания при БАН за експеримента "Дъга" на станцията "Салют-6"

  5. Г. Зартов, Б. Зафирова, К. Антонова, Р. Пеева, Многослоен интерференъчен филтър, авторско свидетелство № 33709

  6. Л. Машев, Е. Попов, Г. Зартов, К. Панайотов, Р. Пеева, Многослойна дифракционна решетка, авторско свидетелство № 64731


  1. B. Zafirova, R. Peeva, G. Zartov, Interference filters with quarter-wave optical thickness of central layer. – Comptes Rendus BAS (31) p. 1273 (1978)

  2. K. Antonova, B. Zafirova, R. Peeva, I. Matev, G. Zartov, New method for determination of General Brewster angle at multilayer interference polarizer preparation. – Comptes Rendus BAS (31) p. 1269 (1978)

  3. G. Zartov, R. Peyeva, B. Zafirova, K. Antonova, A new method for constructing narrow-band interference filters with prescribed paraneters. – Optica Acta (27) p. 869 (1980)

  4. G. Sartov, R. Ulrich, Elektro-optisch abstimmbares Interferenz-filter. – Optik (57) p. 291 (1980)

  5. G. Zartov, R. Peyeva, K. Antonova, B. Zafirova, Absorbing multilayer systems with extreme reflectance. – Comptes Rendus BAS (36) p. 595 (1983)

  6. G. Zartov, R. Peyeva, K. Panajotov, Tunable multilayer interference laser light modulator. – Comptes Rendus BAS (37) p. 1303 (1984)

  7. G. Zartov, R. Peyeva, K. Panajotov, Polarization effect at multilayer interference laser light modulator. – Comptes Rendus BAS (38) p. 55 (1985)

  8. G. Zartov, R. Peyeva, K. Panajotov, Angular characteristics of a laser light interference modulator. – Optica Acta (32) p. 1339 (1985)

  9. G. Zartov, K. Panajotov, R. Peyeva, Multilayer electro-optical modulator properties depent on the orientation of the modulator anisotropic medium. – Physics Letters (11A) p. 405 (1985)

  10. G. Zartov, K. Panajotov, R. Peyeva, Bistable optical switching by the incident angle. – Optical Communication (55) p. 399 (1985)

  11. G. Zartov, K. Panajotov, R. Peyeva, Optical bistability with multilayer interference laser light modulator. – Comptes Rendus BAS (39) p. 35 (1986)

  12. G. Zartov, K. Panajotov, R. Peyeva, Bistable action of an electrooptical modulator tuned by the incident wavelenght. – Comptes Rendus BAS (39) p. 45 (1986)

  13. G. Zartov, K. Panajotov, R. Peyeva, Optical tristability with multilayer interference laser light modulator. – Comptes Rendus BAS (39) p. 49 (1986)

  14. G. Zartov, K. Panajotov, R. Peyeva, Optical bistability polarization dependeences with an interference modulator. – Applied Physics (39) p. 111 (1986)

  15. G. Zartov, K. Panajotov, R. Peyeva, Optical bistability parameters with an interference laser light modulator. – Bulgarian Journal of Physics (13) p. 249 (1986)


  1. Museum-ISSP, f. 36, r. 1, a.u. 578
