Created: 11.03.2013
Updated: 6.1.2016
04.03.1941 – †28.02.2013
Born: in Boshulya vilage, Pazardjik District.
Petar Stefanov studied secondary school in Sofia up to 1958. Georgi Tomalevski was his teacher in physics.
Petar Stefanov graduated physics at the Sofia University (1960 – 1967). Georgi Nadjakov, Milko Borissov, Pavel Markov and Emil Djakov were his professors there. He prepared diploma work "Device for measuring the thickness of thin films during their deposition in a vacuum"
Professional experience:
Petar Stefanov was technologist. He worked under leadership of Prof. Jordan Kasabov. Later on he was manager in the Institue of Microelectronics and some companies in Bulgaria.
Petar Stefanov was the ouner of ISMA Ltd since 1990.
Member Fellow of the Society of the Physicists in Bulgaria from 16 January 1999.
He was awarded with the medal "Georgi Nadjakov" of the Institute of Solid State Physics - BAS.
К. Коленцов, Г. Камишева, Успешен бизнес в областта на съвременната приложна физика в България, Разпространение и развитие на физико-математическите знания в България, ИФТТ, София (2007) с. 168-170
К. Коленцов, Радетелят на приложната и инженерна физика Петър Стефанов навърши 70 години, Светът на физиката, кн. 1, с. 97 (2012)