Institute of Solid State Physics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


Union of the Physicists in Bulgaria

Created: 10.7.2006
Updated: 09.3.2015

(16.08.1928 – 13.04.1992)
Born: in Troica Vilage [3]


       J. Kasabov studied physics at the Sofia University (1946 – 1952) [1]
       He defended Ph. D. – 1955. Georgi Nadjakov was director of studies [1]
       D.Sc. (1974) [1]

Teaching activities:

       J. Kasabov initiated microelectronics course in the Sofia University.
       Professor (1974).

Professional experience:

       J. Kasabov was research assistant (18.04.1956 – 31.12.1961) and І degree research assistant (01.01.1962 – 01.04.1963) [1]
       He was reserach felow ІІ degree (01.04.1963 – 15.03.1967) [1]
       He worked in the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Physics (1956) as a creator and leader of the Laboratory of silicon (1959 – 1966) [1]
       In the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Institute of solid state physics he headed Sector on physical problems of microelectronics (01.01.1979 – 9.11.1989) and laboratory with the same name (09.11.1989 – 13.04.1992) [2]
       On the base of this section Central institute of elements was created at the Government economic group “Isot”. J. Kasabov was its director from the very begining (15.03.1967 – 01.12.1973). He managed Central institute of elements (01.06.1974 – 31.12.1978) after renamed as Institute of microelectronic elements [1]
       When Institute of microelectronics was transmited under authority of Government economic group “Electronic elements” in Botevgrad, J. Kasabov became vice-director general of this group (01.12.1973 – 01.06.1974) [2]
       J. Kasabov was vice-director of the United Centre of Physics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (01.08.1982 – 01.01.1988) [1]

       He was director of the Central laboratory of external memory devices at the Institute of Information and Computing technics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1984 – 1989) [4]


       Integral electronics was built by Jordan Kasabov in Bulgaria since 1967 [1]

       He prodused pure silicon and extend its monocristals (1959 – 1967). Instalation for silicon melting without tigles was invented under his leadership. Technology for quick crystal growt of thick layers of silicon oxide and vacuum method for phosphorus diffusion in silocon [2]

       J. Kasabov created technology for sun batterys with high efficiency from silicon. Thechnology and Workshop for MOS integral set up were built under his leadership in Botevgrad. This factory produced electronic calculators after that [2]


  1. Jordan Kasabov was coresponding member of Bulgarian Academi of Sciences.

  2. Scientific secretary of Third national symposium with internationl participation “Physics and electronisation”, 1–3 November 1984, Plovdiv [1]

  3. He was editor in chief of the "Nature", magasine of BAS [4]

  4. Member of the Co-ordination Centre of information and calculation technics [4]

  5. Prise 100 years BAS (1969) [4]

  6. Prise in physics and mathematics of the Union of Scientists of Bulgaria (1973) [4]

  7. Member of the European Physical Society (1974) [4]

  8. Medal "Ciryle and Metodiy" І degree (1985) [4]


  1. J. Kasabov (at al.), Magneto-electric characteristics of p-inversion layer silicon, Comptes Rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Sofia (1969) 1, 23 – 26

  2. J. Kasabov (at al.), P-channel silicon photosensitive MOST, Comptes Rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Sofia (1969) 8, 859 – 862

  3. J. Kasabov (at al.), Fast-forming of thick SiO2 layers on silicon wafers, Comptes Rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Sofia (1969) 9, 1003 – 1006

  4. J. Kasabov (at al.), Dependence of threshold voltage and hole structures on illumination, Comptes Rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Sofia (1969) 11, 1233 – 1236

  5. J. Kasabov (at al.), Efect of temperature on magneto-electrical properties of p-inversion layers at the Si-SiO2 interface, Comptes Rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Sofia (1970) 5, 485 – 488

  6. J. Kasabov (at al.), Influence of gamma radiation on some parameters of p-inversion layers at the Si-SiO2 interface, Comptes Rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Sofia (1970) 9, 1055 – 1058

  7. J. Kasabov (at al.), Influence of ? radiation on the surface state and hole mobility at the Si-SiO2 interface, Surface Science, 21 (1970) 366 – 376


  8. № 10158 (1961) Вакуумна инсталация без кварцова тръба за безтиглово пречистване на силиций

  9. № 10759 (1963) Дифузионен метод за направа на фотоелектрични преобразуватели от р-тип силиций и фосфорни дифузионни p-n преходи за други силициеви прибори

  10. № 13563 (1968) Метод за бързо получаване на дебели слоеве от силициев двуокис между силиций за планарна техника

  11. № 14014 (1968) Метод и устройство за дифузия на бор и силиций

  12. № 15672 (1970) Метод за електростатична защита на МОС прибори

  13. № 16305 (1970) Метод за получаване на високоомни дифузионни микрорезистори

  14. № 19942 (1973) Устройство за метализация на полупроводникови структури с труднотопими метали

  15. № 21784 (1974) Метод за определяне на температурата на чипа на МОС ИС в работен режим

  16. № 22895 (1975) Метод за регенерация на бракувани МОС ИС по ниски съпротивления

  17. № 23183 (1976) Метал-металоокисен слой за фотомаски

  18. № 37507 (1983) Биполярен латерален магнитотранзистор

  19. № 80540 (1987) Метод за странична изолация на силициеви чипове за йоночувствителни сензори

  20. № 83339 (1988) Метод и устройство за контрол на параметрите на йонно-чувствителен полеви транзистор върху силициев чип


    1. Л. Спасов, Г. Камишева, Милко Борисов за себе си и другите за него, Академично издателство "Проф. Марин Дринов" (2008) с. 201

    2. Г. Камишева, Постижения на физическите науки в БАН, Светът на физиката (2005) 3, 314 – 323

    3. Академици и член-кореспонденти на БАН (1988), Биобиблиографски справочник, изд. БАН, София (1989) 147 – 149

    4. К. Коленцов, Постижения на приложната физика в БАН. Открития и изобретения на учените от ФИ с АНЕБ и ИФТТ през ХХ век, Акад. изд. "Проф. Марин Дринов", София (2010) 78 – 82

    5. К. Коленцов, Чл.-кор. Йордан Касабов – забележителен учен и изобретател, създател на микроелектрониката в България, Български изобретатели (2005) 6, с. 28

    6. На учителя – чл-кор., проф. дфн Йордан Касабов (1928 – 1992) с признателност и почит, Светът на физиката, 15 (1992) 2, с. 128

    7. К. Коленцов, Чл.-кор. Йордан Касабов - основоположник на микро-електроникта в България, Homo Sciencs, бр. 8, с. 16 (2014)
