Участие в международни проекти:
ESF Action COST P10 – Physics of Risk
N. K. Vitanov and Z.I. Dimitrova, Solitary wave solutions for nonlinear partial differential equations that contain monomials of odd and even grades with respect to participating derivatives, Applied Mathematics and Computation 247 (2014) 213. ISSN: 0096-3003; IF = 1,600
Vitanov, Nikolay K.; Dimitrova, Zlatinka I.; Vitanov, Kaloyan N., Traveling waves and statistical distributions connected to systems of interacting populations, Computers & Mathematics with Applications 66 (9), 1666-1684 (2013)
Vitanov, Nikolay K.; Dimitrova, Zlatinka I.; Kantz, Holger, Application of the method of simplest equation for obtaining exact traveling-wave solutions for the extended Korteweg-de Vries equation and generalized Camassa-Holm equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation 219 (14), 7480-7492 (2013)
Dimitrova, Zlatinka I., Discussion on exp-function method and modified method of simplest equation, Comptes Rendus de l Academie Bulgare des Sciences 66 (7), 975-982 (2013)
Z. I. Dimitrova and N. K. Vitanov, Integrability of differential equations with fluid mechanics applications: from Painleve property to the method of simplest equation, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 43(2), 31-42 (2013)
Н. К. Витанов, З. И. Димитрова, Ст. Панчев, Популационна динамика и национална сигурност. Рисковете за националната сигурност на България, Академично издателство “Марин Дринов” на Българската Академия на Науките (2005)
Н. К. Витанов, З. И. Димитрова, Ст. Панчев, Предизвикателствата пред съвременната физика: иконофизика и социофизика, Наука, том 15, стр. 13-23 (2005)
З. И. Димитрова, Н. К. Витанов, Популационната динамика и неочакваните и приложения, Наука, том 12, стр.27-31 (2002)