Museum "History of Physics in Bulgaria"
Bulgarian English
Dedicated to 115 years of Georgi Nadjakov

Georgi Nadjakov's Appeals to Bulgarian scientists and our society
Stefan Balabanov
Georgi Nadjakov Institute of Solid State Physics, BAS

       We share some little known facts from the multiple activities of our remarkable scientist and public figure academician Georgi Nadjakov during the last 30 years of his life. In the focus are the unconventional style and depth in teaching of fundamental physics of the young students. This motivated the best of them to become researchers. The same time akad.G.Nadjakov founded in 1946 the Institute of Physics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. There he gradually attracted many scientists from faculties other than the Faculty of Physics. To reach the big "science" liked to say "academician" will require the creation of a net of specialized institutes and laboratories, in disposition with unique scientific instruments, engineering and support staff. Excessive administration and planning in the science makes injury to free scientific search. Therefore, aside from "planned" tasks every scientist is required "to explore new topics for new ideas”. Comparing of deeds and tips given us by acad. G. Nadjakov makes that we can say that yet today they are valid. These are also the modern developments in science leading to major discoveries and innovations.

       Comparing the actions and advice of G. Nadjakov, we can say that they are valid today too. These are the current trends in science, leading to major discoveries and innovations.



Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
72 Tsarigradsko chaussee blvd.
BG-1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone: +359 (0)2 979 58 31; GSM +359 (0)899 75 05 90
Fax: +359 (0)2 975 36 32
Skype: physmuseum

Created: 30 August 2011
Updated: 21 October 2015