Museum "History of Physics in Bulgaria"
Bulgarian English
Dedicated to 110 years of Georgi Nadjakov



16 October 2006 (Monday) 10:00 - 12:00
Hall 300 in ISSP

Chairmans: S. Panchev, Member of BAS, and N. Tonchev, Prof. D.Sc.

10:00 B. Amov - Professor Elizaveta Karamihailova

10:20 L. Vatzkitchev - Academician Emil Dzhakov – The Founder of Radiophysics and Electronics Department in Sofia University

10:40 G. Ivanov - The role of Professor Nikola Bonev, member of Academy, in the development of Bulgarian astronomy

11:00 S. Rijikova, B. Rangelov - 150 Anniversary of Spas Watzof – the first Bulgarian Meteorologist and Seismologist

11:20 V. Kovachev - Creation of “Nitrogen” Superconductors in Bulgaria

11:40 I. Azmanov - A Day together with Professor Nadjakov

12:00 Visit to Museum and Monument of Georgi Nadjakov


16 October 2006 (Monday) 15:00 - 18:00
Big hall in Central Administration of BAS

Chairmans: A. G. Petrov, Prof. D.Sc. Member of BAS and P. Popivanov, Prof. D.Sc. Member of BAS

15:00 Opening ceremony

15:20 V. M. Fridkin - The Nadjakoff School and Investigation of Photoelectrets and Electrophotography in Russian Academy of Sciences

16:00 S. Panchev - Little known facts for very famous physicists

16:20 N. Balabanov - The Role of academician Georgi Nadjakov in the creation of the University Physics in Plovdiv

16:40 K. Kolentsov - Discovery and Inventive Contribution of Georgi Nadjakov – the Eminent Scientist and Organizer of the Bulgarian Physics in the XX Century

17:00 P. Lazarova - Academician Georgi Nadjakov – a Builder of the Contemporary Bulgarian Physics

17:20 T. Kehlibarov - My Official Trip with Georgi Nadjakov in the West


17 October 2006 (Tuesday) 09:20 - 12:40
Hall 300 in ISSP

Chairmans: Professor N. Balabanov, Professor I. Ganchev

09:20 N. Ahababian - The shoulders we ascended on

09:40 P. Mateev, M. Bojkova - Stemming and Spreading of the Stochastics in Bulgaria

10:00 A. Colic - Some examples of "discovered" manuscripts in history of science

10:20 J. Shurelova - Traditions in teachers training on physics in Bulgaria

10:40 D. Ivanova, S. Stambolova, N. Balabanov - Plovdiv’s contribution to dissemination and development of our physical and mathematical knowledge in second half of XIX century

11:00 G. Kamisheva - Teoretical investigations on physics in Bulgaria during the first half of XX century

11:20 S. Balabanov - Solid State Physics research electrometrical methods

11:40 I. Azmanov - Some New about the Physicist Academician Bahmetev

12:00 P. Nikolov, I. Todorov - University Crisis in 1907 and Possible Lessons from it

12:20 A. Angelow - Schrodinger Uncertainty Relation, its appearance in Bulgaria and development in the world


17 October 2006 (Tuesday) 14:00 - 15:00
Hall 300 in ISSP

Chairmans: J. Shurelova, P. Lazarova

14:00 K. Todorova - The tree most important Bulgarian discoveries in physics

14:20 Ch. Dutzov - Asteroids that have Bulgarian names

14:40 E. Ivanova - Egyptian Mathematics


16 - 17 October 2006 (Monday and Tuesday)
Discussion 17 October 2006 from 15:00 to 16:00

Chairman: Associate Professor M. Tsvetkov

1. K. Kolentsov - Physics in Advance. Discovery and invention achievements of Bulgarian scientists in the XX Century

2. K. Kolentsov, L. Yourukova - Electroluminescence – Discovery of the XX century. Electroluminescent studies in Bulgaria

3. K. Kolentsov, L. Yourukova - Research and Application of Prebreakdown Electroluminescence in Bulgaria

4. G. Kamisheva - Quantitative Information about science activities of Academician Milko Borissov (1921-1998)

5. G. Kamisheva - Academician Georgi Nadjakov sources in the Museum of Physics in Bulgaria

6. M. Sivrieva - The life, work and awards of John Vincent Atanasoff

7. Ĺ. Vulkov - Academician Georgi Nadjakov - in memoriam

8. E. Vulkov - The contributions of Georgi Stephanov Nadshakov in the discovery and studyng of the photoelectric state

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
72 Tsarigradsko chaussee blvd.
BG-1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone: +359 2 979 58 31; GSM +359 899 75 05 90
Fax: +359 2 975 36 32
Skype: physmuseum


Created: 10 July 2006
Updated: 1 October 2015