Family name:             Arsova

First name:               Darina


Official Address:       Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,

                            72 Tzarigradsko Chaussee blvd., 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria 



Phone:                  (+359) (2) 9795000   451,

FAX:                    (+359) (2)  9753632




Affiliation:           Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Position:              1973 – 1982   Physicist

                       1982 – 2000   Assistant Professor

                       2000              Associate Professor



Education:           Department of Physics, Sofia University St. Kl. Ohridsky

                       - M. Sci. 1972; specialization in Solid State Physics;

                       Acad. G. Nadjakov Institute of Solid State Physics, Sofia

                       - Ph.D. in Physics, 1996

                       on “Irreversible Photo-structural Changes in thin films from

GexAs40-x S (Se)60 Glasses”


Languages:         English, Russian


Publications:       about 66 papers. Some of them are published in representative International Journals such as: “Solid St. Comm.”, “J. Non-Cryst. Sol., “Physica B”, “Phys. Rev. B “.

                            The list of recent publications is given in the part “REFERENCES” in the web site of the Laboratory.


Citations:            more than 170


Field of research interests:    Chalcogenide glasses and amorphous thin films, multilayer structures. Investigations on the optical and structural properties, photo-induced changes in thickness and optical parameters, Raman scattering, photo-litographic and electro-photographic applications of thin films and multilayers.



Last update January 2007