Electron-Phonon Interaction Laboratory is the successor of the oldest research group of general physics, created by
Academician George Nadjakov
at the Institute of Physics in 1946. It is named:
"Personal Laboratory of academician G. Nadjakov" (1971 – 1981),
"Photoelectrets & electrophotography" (1981 – 1983),
"High-resistance semiconductors and photoelectrets" (1983 – 1989),
"Electron-phonon interactions" (1989), [head – Alexander Vavrek (1991 – 2003)].
This laboratory is incorporated in the Division of Acustoelectronics and Acustooptics, headed by
Academician Milko Borissov in 1983. (At this time Todor Kechlibarov, who is working in the field of photometry and colorimetry is joined to the Laboratory from 1986 to 1994.)
Past research themes
Vibronic effects
Effects of broken symmetry
Point defects and color centers in solids
The main scientific contributions of Academic Nadzakov are in the field of the interaction of light with matter and the applications on this basis. Currently, this tradition in the laboratory is still continuing. It is being actively worked on the experimental and theoretical study of electromagnetic field matter - interaction, including in the visible range. Different types of sensors using the above results are being developed.