HEAD: Prof. Dimo Uzunov, PhD, Dr.Sci.
tel: 7144-738; e-mail:
Dr. D.V. Shopova, research fellow of I rank
PhD students:
ìag. V.G. Ivanov,
ìag. S.S. Savova
Physicist: ìag. T.E. Tsvetkov
Free PhD course: mag. T.P. Todorov (TU-Sofia)
A theoretical prediction for a stable non-collinear phase in complex two-sub-lattice
antiferromagnets has been made [1].
Several basic problems of the theory of quantum phase transitions have been reviewed.
The effect of the quantum correlations on the phase transition properties has been
considered with the help of basic models of statistical physics. Some new ideas and
results have been presented. Outstanding theoretical problems have been outlined [2].
A systematic treatment of the magnetic fluctuations effect on the properties of the
normal-to-superconducting phase transition in a zero external magnetic field is given
within the self-consistent approximation. The order parameter jump, latent heat, and
specific heat are considered and numerically evaluated for bulk Al and thin Al films;
as well as for W and In. The possibility for an experimental observation of the
fluctuation change of the order of superconducting phase transition in superconducting
films is discussed. The dimensional crossover in such films is also investigated [3-6].
The phase of coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism and the possible phase
transitions of first and second order in spin-triplet ferromagnetic superconductors
(UGe2, ZrZn2, URhGe) were investigated [7-9].
D. V. Shopova and T. L. Boyadjiev, Phys. Lett. A 311 (2003) 438, The existence of
a stable noncollinear phase in Heisenberg model with complex structure.
D. V. Shopova and D. I. Uzunov, Phys. Rep. C 379 (2003) 1-67, Some basic aspects
of quantum phase transitions.
D. V. Shopova, T. P. Todorov, and D. I. Uzunov, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 17 (2003) 141,
Thermodynamic properties of the phase transition to superconducting state in thin
films of type I superconductors.
D. V. Shopova and D. I. Uzunov, Phys. Lett. A 313 (2003) 139, Phase diagram of a
class of spin-triplet ferromagnetic superconductors.
D. V. Shopova, T. P. Todorov, Phys. Lett. A 314 (2003) 250, Dimensional crossover
of the thermodynamic properties near the phase transition in type I superconductors.
D. V. Shopova, T. P. Todorov, J. Phys. Condensed Matter, 15 (2003) 5783, New features
of the phase transition to superconducting state in thin films.
D. V. Shopova, T. P. Todorov, J. Phys. Studies 7 (3) (2003), Novel results about the
magnetic fluctuation effects near the normal-to-superconducting phase transition.
D. V. Shopova, D. I. Uzunov, J.Phys. Studies 7 (4) (2003), Homogeneous phase
coexistence of spin-triplet superconductivity and ferromagnetism.
D. V. Shopova, D. I. Uzunov, Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 56, 35 (2003),
Thermodynamic properties of the phase transitions in a class of spin-triplet
ferromagnetic superconductors.
Statistical theory of phases and phase transitions in superconductors and magnetic systems
at low temperatures ( BAS).
Theory of Superconductivity (Scenet-2: Programme of EC - 6th FP).
Magnetic effects in unconventional superconductors (Contract 10/98-2003 - JINR).
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Sofia, Nov 17-18, 2003. (a plenary report; invited).
Current CPCM Laboratory regular seminars, in total: 7 hours.
A lecture course of 32 hours on Physics of Phase Transitions for PhD students of BAS.
A Seminar given in MPI - PKS - Dresden: ``The non-universality of the quantum critical
behaviour of ordered and disordered Bose fluids."
Three ISSP Seminars, and a lecture (Colloquium of The Inst. of Physical Chemistry - BAS)
have been given.
A lecture has been given at a Seminar for post-graduates (Vitosha, BAS, 2003).
In 2003 three post-graduate students worked in the Lab. A fourth PhD student was accepted
in the end of 2003; effective from the beginning of 2004. Two visits of International Schools
(Corsica and Cambridge) and a three month specialization in Cambridge have been ensured for
two post-graduate students of ISSP-BAS.
A PhD thesis was defended in Dec 03 (T. P. Todorov). A PhD thesis passed the preliminary
defense (I. P. Takov).
The head of the Lab has been active also as a Member of the Editorial Board of J. Phys.
Studies (Ukraine), Ref. Board of The Institute of Physics (London), and the Board of
Advisors of ABI (USA).
A collaborative visit (56 days) in MPI-PKS (Dresden) has been performed.
The activity in the European Network of Superconductivity (SCENET) has been carried
out according to the existing schedule. The Laboratory was established as a National
leader in the European Superconductivity Network (SCENET) - 6th FP (2003-2007), and the
first Bulgarian scientific unit included in the 6th FP of the EC.