R. Andrejtschin, M. Nikiforova, A. Ivanov, J. Stanislavova, Photovoltaischer Quereffekt in Monokristallinen System CdSxSe1-x, Physica Status Solidi, 1963, v. 3, K280-K284
R. Andrejtschin, Kleiner tragvarer Quarzspektograph zur Messung der UV-Sonnenstrahlung, Vortrage zum II Internationalen UV. Colloquium uber die technische Anwendung ultravioletter Strahlem 4 bis 6. November 1963 in Berlin, s. 5-12
R. Andrejtschin, Eine Moglichkeit zur Realisierung nichtselektiver photoelektrischer Empfanger fur UV-Strahlung, Vortrage zum II Internationalen UV. Colloquium uber die technische Anwendung ultravioletter Strahlem 4 bis 6. November 1963 in Berlin, s. 13-22
T. Kechlibarow, R. Andrejtschin, Uber das photographische Mebverfahren der kurzwelligen Grenze der UV-Sonnenstrahlung, Vortrage zum II Internationalen UV. Colloquium uber die technische Anwendung ultravioletter Strahlem 4 bis 6. November 1963 in Berlin, s. 23-28
B. Kandilarov, R. Andreytchin, Photovoltaic Effect in CdS-SdSe heterojunctions, Phys. Stat. Sol. 8, 897 (1965)
G. Getov, B. Kandilarov, P. Simidtchieva, R. Andreytchin, Optical Transitions in Cristalline and Vitreous As2S3, Physica Status Solidi, 13, 1966, p. K97-K100
G. Getov, P. Simidtchieva, M. Nikiforova, R. Andreytchin, Effect of Some Elements on the Optical Absorption Edge of Vitreous As2S3, Physica Status Solidi, 21, 1967, p. K87-K89
R. Andrejtschin, Photographische Methode zur Messung der UV-Bestrahlung in Absoluten Einheiten, Studia biophysica, Berlin, Band 9, 1968, s. 5-13
R. Andreichin, Conductivity and Photopolarization Properties of Vitreous As2S3, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 4 (1970) 73-77
R. Andrejtschin, D. Minev, Ein Great zir Bestrahlungsmessung bei Biologischen Laboratoriumseinri Chtu Ngen, Studia biophysica, Berlin, Band 21/22, 1970, s. 429-432
R. Andreichin, A. Ivanova, K. Gesheva, Y. Stanislavova, A mosaic heterojunction photo-e.m.f. in evaporated ZnS-CdS layers, Thin Solid Films, 12, 1972, p. 149-152
R. ANDREICHIN, High-field polarization, photo-polarization and photo-electret properties of high-resistance amorphous semiconductors, Journal of Electrostatics, 1 (1975) 217-230
R. Andreichin, M. Nikiforova, E. Skordeva, L. Yurukova, R. Grigorovici, R. Manaila, M. Popescu, A. Vancu, Structure and Physical properties of the glassy As2S3Gex system, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 20 (1976) 101-122
R. Andreichin, M. Baeva, L. Yurukova, D. Arsova, Achalcogenide glass optronic receiver with a simultaneous direct and memory effect, Amorphous semiconductors’76, p. 47-51
E. Skordeva, R. Andreichin, M. Nikiforova, B. Kolomiets, T. Mazets, On the influence of Ag, Cu, Sn, Ge on some properties of vitreous As2S3, Amorphous semiconductors’76, p. 145-150
R. Andreichin, M. Nikiforova, P. Ivanova, Photo-decomposition and Photostructural changes in vitreous arsenic sulphide and arsenic selenide films, Amorphous semiconductors’76, p. 377-381
R. Andreichin, Photopolarization and photovoltaic effects in the high resistance vitreous semiconductor arsenic ulphide, Amorphous semiconductors’76, p. 389-399
R. Andrejchin, S. Armenski, L. Lasov, D. Nenova, R. Wolf, Zscherpe, G. Zscherpe, Ih. Mittweida, Die wechselwirkung von laserstrahlung der wellenlange 10,6 µm mith glasartigen halbleitern des typs As-s und As-Se, Ingenieurhochschule mittweida Vortragssammelvand wissenschaftliches colloquium 2 November 1977, s. 104-105
P. Stoianova and R. Andreichin, Photovoltaic effect in arsenic chalkogenides, High School of Engeneering, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, (643-646)
K. Gesheva, R. Andreichin, High-Voltage Photovoltaic Effect in Polycrystalline Layers of Zinc Sulphide, Bulg. J. Phys. t.5, 1978, No 5, p. 461-468
D. Nenova, S. Armenski, R. Andreichin, Some properties of As2S1. 5 Se1.5 Gey vitreous system, High School of Engeneering, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, (96-99)
R. Andreichin, Photon, electron and heat indussed changes in vitreous As2S3, “Kapitan Andreev” St. 8, Sofia 1421, Bulgaria, (627-634)
V. Veleva, R. Andreichin, T. Kechlibarov, Efficiency of artificial light sources in plant-growing, International Agrophysics 1, 1985, p. 115-120
P. I. Stoianova, R. Andreichin, Coordinate Sensitive Photoelement on the Basis of the Photoelectret State in Vitreous Semiconductors, Phys. State Solidi, t. 88, 1985, p. K91-K93
R. Andreichin, V. Konstantinova, On the absolute sensitivity of photoelectric receptors, IMEKO, Photon-Detectors, p. 73-75