: Personal: · Born 21 February 1968, Assenovgrad, Bulgaria; Married, 2 children
· Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 72 Tzarigradsko Chaussee, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria Education : · 1999 - PhD in Solid State Physics; · 1991 - Graduated in Physics, Department of Solid State Physics, Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“; · 1986 – Secondary School of Mathematics, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Research Field : · Electrical and structural properties of gate dielectric layers, alternative high-k gate dielectrics; plasma and thermal processes for submicroelectronics; process induced defects in MOS structures; conduction mechanisms in dielectric layers. · · Positions : · Assoc. Prof., Institute of Solid State Physics, 2005 Research Associate, Institute of Solid State Physics, 1993-2005; Physicist, Institute of Solid State Physics, 1991-1993; Collaborator (part-time) as a student, Institute of Solid State Physics, 1988-1991., Lab. "Phys. Problems of Microelectronics"
· Publications: more than 60 publications in international journals and proceedings of conferences. · Awards : 1986 third award from the Balkan Olympiad in Physics for secondary school students; 2000 „Marin Drinov“ award for the best young researcher at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. 2004 24th Intern. Conf. On Microel. (MIEL), 2004, Nish, Serbia and Montenegro, best paper award on behalf of Microelectronics Reliability · Fellowships and Research Stays: · 03.2002 – 03.2003 Alexander von Humboldt fellowship in University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany. 2003, 2005, 2006-Research stays at Fraunhofer Institute of Integrated Systems and Device Technology, Erlangen, Germany · short research stays at: Univ. "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy; Inst. of Electrical Engeneering,Bratislava, Slovakia; Univ. Cyril and Methodies, Skopie, Macedonia · Membership : · Alexander von Humboldt Union, Bulgaria Bulgarian Physical Union. · Languages : · English, German, Russian, French · List of publications · 1. D. B. Dimitrov, A. Paskaleva, T. Dimitrova, "Radiation effects on wet and dry - oxide metal - oxide - semiconductor devices", Thin Solid Films, 223 (1993) 293 2. A. Paskaleva , D. B. Dimitrov, J. Pazov, "Effect of gamma – irradiation on Fowler - Nordheim tunneling in SiO2 layers", Proc. VII Intern. School on Condensed Matter Physics "Electronic and optoelectronic materials for the 21 century", eds. J.M. Marshall, N. Kirov, A. Vavrek, World Scientific, Singapore, 1993, p.612. 3. G. Beshkov, D. B. Dimitrov, A. Paskaleva , T. Dimitrova, "Effect of RTA on the properties of CVD – SiO2 layers", Proc. VII Intern. School on Condensed Matter Physics "Electronic and optoelectronic materials for the 21 century", eds. J.M. Marshall, N. Kirov, A. Vavrek, World Scientific, Singapore, 1993, p.470. 4. A. Paskaleva , E. Atanassova, "Fowler – Nordheim tunneling injection in the Si - SiO2 system treated with argon plasma", a) Semiconductor Science and Technology, 8 (1993) 1566.b) Plasma News Report, ed. H. V. Boenig, Carlsbad, California, February 1994, p.80. 5. 6. 7. A. Paskaleva , E. Atanassova, G. Beshkov, "Electrical characterization of the RTA treated thermally grown SiO2 ", Proc. VIII Intern. School on Condensed Matter Physics, Varna, 18 - 24 Sept. 1994, eds. J.Marshal, N. Kirov, A. Vavrek, Research Studies Press, Taunton, Somerset, England, p. 452. 8. A. Paskaleva , E. Atanassova, G. Beshkov, "Rapid Thermal Annealing of SiO2 for VLSI application" a) Journal of Non Crystalline Solids, 187 (1995) 35-39. b) Proceedings of the symposium A on Amorphous Insulating Thin Films II of the EMRS 1994 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France 24 - 27 May, 1994, ed. R. A.B. Devine, W. L. Warren, J. Kanicki, M. Matsumura, Elsevier Science, 1995. 9. 10. 11. A. Paskaleva , E. Atanassova, G. Beshkov, "Effect of rapid thermal annealing in vacuum on the properties of thin SiO2 films", J. of Physics D: Appl. Physics, 28 (1995) 906-913. 12. A. Paskaleva, E. Atanassova, "Very thin SiO2 layers after rapid thermal annealing in vacuum", Proc. of the 20th International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL'95, Nis, Serbia, vol.1, pp. 57-60, IEEE Catalog No. 95TH8108. 13. E. Atanassova, A. Paskaleva , "Mobility degradation of the inversion carriers due to MERIE - like plasma action", Solid State Electronics, 39 (1996) 1033. 14. E. Atanassova, A. Paskaleva , "Influence of the rapid thermal annealing in vacuum on the XPS characteristics of thin SiO2 ", Applied Surface Science 103 (1996) 359. 15. E. Spassova, I. Jivkov, G. Danev, T. Dimitrova, J. Koprinarova, A. Paskaleva , "Low - permittivity evaporated polymer - polyimide", Vacuum, 47 (1996) 1345. 16. E. Atanassova, A. Paskaleva , "XPS study of thin thermal SiO2 layers after RTA in vacuum", Proc. IX Intern. School on Condensed Matter Physics, eds. J.Marshal, N.Kirov, A.Vavrek, J.Maud, World Scientific, Singapore, 1997, p.365. 17. E. Spassova, I. Jivkov, G. Danev, T. Dimitrova, A. Paskaleva , Characterization of thin vacuum deposited polyimide layers, Proc. IX Intern. School on Condensed Matter Physics, eds. J.Marshal, N.Kirov, A.Vavrek, J.Maud, World Scientific, Singapore, 1997, p.437 18. E. Atanassova, A. Paskaleva , Structural changes in thin SiO2 on Si after RIE - like nitrogen plasma action, Applied Surface Science 120 (1997) 306 19. A. Paskaleva , E. Atanassova, Damage in Thin SiO2 - Si Structures Induced by RIE - Like Nitrogen and Oxygen Plasma, Solid State Electronics 42 (1998) 777 20. E. Atanassova, A. Paskaleva , "RIE nitrogen plasma -induced structural changes in thin SiO2 layers", Proceedings of 21 International Conference on Microelectronics, Nis, Yugoslavia, 15-17 Sept. 1997, IEEE Catalog No.97TH8232., p.617. 21. A.Paskaleva , E.Atanassova, "Bulk oxide charge and slow states in Si-SiO2 structures generated by RIE-mode plasma", a) Proceedings of 22 International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL 2000, Nis, Yugoslavia, IEEE Catalog No.00TH8400, p.323. b) Microelectr. Reliab. 40 (2000) 2033-2037. 22. A.Paskaleva , E.Atanassova, "Structural Nature of the N2 RIE Plasma Induced Slow States and Bulk Traps in Thin SiO2 -Si Structures", E-MRS 1999 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France; Mater. Sci. Engineering B 71 (2000) 115-119. 23. A.Paskaleva , E.Atanassova, Electrical stress and plasma induced traps in SiO2 , Microel. Reliab., 40 (2000) 933-940. 24. E.Atanassova, A.Paskaleva , "Electrically active defects in thin SiO2 -Si structures generated by MERIE- and RIE-mode plasmas", Microel. Reliab., 40 (2000) 381 - 425 (Introductory invited paper) 25. A. Paskaleva , E. Atanassova, T.Dimitrova, "Leakage currents and conduction mechanisms of Ta2O5 layers on Si obtained by r.f. sputtering", presented at 11th International School on Vacuum, Electron and Ion technologies, VEIT'99, Varna, Bulgaria; Vacuum 58 (2000) 470. 26. J. Assa, E. Spassova, I.Jivkov, G.Danev, T.Dimitrova, A.Paskaleva , J.Ihlemann , Vacuum deposited thin polyimide films. Dependence of the properties on the mode of preparation, presented at 11th International School on Vacuum, Electron and Ion technologies, VEIT'99, Varna, Bulgaria. 27. A.Paskaleva , E. Atanassova, Electrically active defects generated by N2 RIE plasma in thin SiO2 structures, 11th International School on Condensed Matter Physics, Sept. 2000, Varna, Bulgaria, Proc. of the ISCMP eds. J.Marshal, A.Petrov, A.Vavrek, D. Nesheva, D.Dimova-Malinovska, J.Maud, Printed by Bookcraft, Bath, 2001, p.248 28. A.Paskaleva , E. Atanassova, "Profiling of stress and plasma induced positive oxide charge in thin SiO2 layers", presented at Fourth General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Veliko Turnovo, 22-27 August 2000; Balkan Physics Letters, 9 (2001) 170-173. 29. E. Atanassova, A.Paskaleva , R, Konakova, D. Spassov, V.F. Mitin, “Influence of gamma-radiation on thin Ta2O5 – Si structures”, Microelectronics J., 32 (2001) 553-562. 30. E.Atanassova, N. Novkovski, A. Paskaleva , M. Pecovska-Gjorgjevich, Oxygen annealing modification of conduction mechanism in thin rf sputtered Ta2O5 on Si, Solid St.Electr., 46 (2002) 1887-1898. 31. E.Atanassova, A. Paskaleva, Breakdown fields and conduction mechanisms in thin Ta2O5 layers on Si for high density DRAMs, Microel. Reliab., 42 (2002) 157 - 173 (Introductory invited paper). 32. A. Paskaleva , E.Atanassova, N. Novkovski, M. Pecovska-Gjorgjevich, „Conduction mechanisms in thin rf sputtered Ta2O5 on Si and their dependence on O2 annealing“, Proc. of 23th International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL, 12-15 May 2002, Nis, Serbia, IEEE Catalog Number 02TH8595C, vol.2, p.755. 33. E. Atanassova, M. Kalitzova, G. Zollo, A. Paskaleva , A. Peeva, M. Georgieva, G. Vitali, High temperature-induced crystallization in Ta2O5 layers and its influence on the electrical properties, Thin Solid Films 426 (2003) 191-199. 34. E. Atanassova, D. Spassov, A. Paskaleva , J. Koprinarova, M. Georgieva, Influence of oxidation temperature on the microstructure and electrical properties of Ta2O5 on Si, Microel.J, 33 (2002) 907-920. 35. E. Atanassova, A. Paskaleva , Leakage current in the system thin films Ta2O5 on Si – is it a limiting factor for nanoscale dynamic memories?12th International School on Condensed Matter Physics, "Modern Trends in Condensed Matter Science and Technology" 1 - 6 September, 2002 Varna, Bulgaria, J.of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 14 (2003) 671-675. 36. M.Lemberger, A.Paskaleva , S. Zürcher, A.J. Bauer, L. Frey, H. Ryssel, Zirconium silicate films obtained from novel MOCVD precursors, paper presented on IV Symposium “SiO2 and Advanced Dielectrics”, 16-18 September 2002, Trento, Italy; J. Non-Crystalline Solids 322 (2003) 147-153. 37. A.Paskaleva , M.Lemberger, S. Zürcher, A.J. Bauer, L. Frey, H. Ryssel, Electrical characterisation of zirconium silicate films obtained from novel MOCVD precursors, Proc. of 12th Workshop on Dielectrics in Microelectronics, November 2002, Grenoble, France, Microel. Reliab.. 43 (2003) 1253-1257. 38. G Danev, E Spassova, J Assa, I Karamancheva, A Paskaleva , K Popova and J Ihlemann, Properties of vacuum-deposited polyimide films, Vacuum, 70 (2003) 37-45. 39. A. Paskaleva , N. Novkovski, E.Atanassova, M. Pecovska-Gjorgjevich, Density and spatial distribution of MERIE-like plasma induced defects in SiO2 , phys.stat.sol.(a) 199 (2003) 243-249. 40. M. Lemberger, A. Paskaleva , S. Zürcher, A.J. Bauer, L. Frey, H.Ryssel, Electrical Characterization and Reliability Aspects of Zirconium Silicate Films Obtained from Novel MOCVD Precursors, paper presented on INFOS 2003, 18-20 June, 2003, Barcelona, Spain, Microel. Engin., 72 (2004) 315-320. 41. E.Atanassova, G.Tyuliev, A.Paskaleva , D.Spassov, K.Kostov, XPS study of N2 annealing effect on thermal Ta2O5 layers on Si, Appl. Surf. Sci., 225 (2004) p.86-99. 42. A.Paskaleva , A.J. Bauer, M. Lemberger, S. Zürcher, Different current conduction mechanisms through thin high-k HfxTiySizO films due to the varying Hf to Ti ratio, J. Appl. Phys., 95 (10) (2004) 5583-5590. 43. A. Paskaleva , M. Lemberger, S. Zürcher , A.J. Bauer, Electrical Properties and Conduction Mechanisms in HfxTiySizO Films Obtained from Novel MOCVD Precursors, Proceedings of the Intern. Conf. On Microel. (MIEL), 24th Edition, May 2004, Nish, Serbia and Montenegro. 44. A. Paskaleva , A.J. Bauer, M. Lemberger, S. Zürcher, Physical and electrical properties of thin high-k HfxTiySizO films with varying Hf to Ti ratios, Proc. of 5th European Workshop on Ultimate Integration of Silicon, March 2004, Leuven, Belgium. 45. E. Atanassova, A.Paskaleva , High temperature N2 annealing – a promising way for improving the structure of Ta2O5 and its interface with Si, Proceedings of the Intern. Conf. On Microel. (MIEL), 24th Edition, May 2004, Nish, Serbia and Montenegro, Vol.2 (2004) pp.467-470. 46. A. Paskaleva , R.R. Ciechonski, M. Syväjärvi, E. Atanassova, and R. Yakimova Characterization of 4H-SiC MOS Structures with Al2O3 as Gate Dielectric, presented on ECSCRM 2004, Bologna, Italy, 31 August –2 Sept. 2004, Mater. Sci. Forum, Vols. 483-485 (2005) 709. 47. M. Lemberger, A. Paskaleva , S. Zürcher, A.J. Bauer, L. Frey, H. Ryssel, Electrical Properties of Hafnium Silicate Films Obtained from a Single-Source MOCVD Precursor, presented on 13th Workshop on Dielectrics in Microelectronics, WODIM 2004, Cork, Ireland, 28-30 June 2004, Microel. Reliab. 45 (2005) 819-822. 48. N. Novkovski, A.Paskaleva , E.Atanassova, “Dielectric properties of rf sputtered Ta2O5 on rapid thermally nitrided Si”, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 20 (2005) 233-38. 49. E.Atanassova, A.Paskaleva , N. Novkovski, M. Georgieva, Conduction and reliability behavior of thermal Ta2O5 -Si structures and the effect of the gate electrode, J. Appl. Phys., 97(9) (2005) 094104 (11 pages). 50. E.Atanassova, G.Tyuliev, A.Paskaleva, D.Spassov, K.Kostov, N2 annealing effect on thermal Ta2O5 layers on Si studied by XPS, Surface Science Spectra, 11 (2004) 1-25 (Invited paper). 51. A. Paskaleva , A.J. Bauer, M. Lemberger, Conduction mechanisms and an evidence for a phonon-assisted conduction process in thin high-k HfxTiySizO films, Microel. Reliab. 45 (7-8) (2005) 1124-1133. 52. A. Paskaleva , A.J. Bauer, M. Lemberger, An asymmetry of conduction mechanisms and charge trapping in thin high-k HfxTiySizO films, J. Appl. Phys. 98(5) (2005) 053707 (8 pages) 53. A.Paskaleva , R.R. Ciechonski, M. Syväjärvi, E. Atanassova, and R. Yakimova, Electrical behavior of 4H-SiC MOS Structures with Al2O3 as Gate Dielectric, J. Appl. Phys. 97(12) (2005) 124507 (4 pages). 54. V.Strijkova, D. Dimov, A. Paskaleva, I. Zhivkov, E. Spassova, J. Assa, G. Danev, Electrical properties of a thin layer polyimide matrix, J. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, v.7 (2005) 1319-1322. 55. A.J. Bauer, A. Paskaleva , M. Lemberger, L. Frey, H. Ryssel, Thin HfxTiySizO films with varying Hf to Ti contents as candidates for high-k dielectrics, presented at Electrochemical Society Conference, Quebec, 15-20 May, 2005; in: “Advanced Gate Stack, Source/Drain, and Channel Engineering for Si-Based CMOS: New Materials, Processes, and Equipment”, (eds.) E. P. Gusev, L. J. Chen, D.-L. Kwong, P. J. Timans, F. Roozeboom, M. C. Öztürk, and H. Iwai, Proceedings Volume 2005-05, pp.125-132, Pennington, NJ, USA, The Electrochemical Society, Inc., ISBN 1-56677-463-2. 56. A. Paskaleva , E. Atanassova, M. Lemberger, A.J. Bauer “Correlation between defects, leakage currents and conduction mechanisms in thin high-k dielectric layers”, (Invited lecture) NATO Advance Research Workshop on Defects in High-K dielectrics, St.Petersburg, Russia, 11-14 July, 2005: published in: “Defects in High-K dielectric stacks”, ed. E. Gusev, Springer, 2006 pp.411-422. 57. M. Lemberger, F. Schön, T. Dirnecker, M. P. M. Jank, A. Paskaleva , A. J. Bauer, L. Frey, and H. Ryssel, High-k hafnium silicate films on silicon and germanium wafers by MOCVD using a single-source precursor, in: A. Devi, R. Fischer, H. Parala, M. Allendorf, and M. Hitchman: Fifteenth European Conference on Chemical Vapor Deposition (EUROCVD-15), Proceedings Volume 2005-09, The Electrochemical Society, Inc., Pennington, NJ, USA, 2005, pp. 873—880 58. A.Paskaleva , E.Atanassova, M. Georgieva, Charge trapping and conduction mechanisms in Ta2O5 on nitrided silicon, J.Phys.D: Appl.Phys., 38 (2005) 4210-4216. 59. E. Atanassova, A. Paskaleva , Leakage current and conduction mechanisms in Ta2O5 for gigabit dynamic memories applications", accepted for publication in "Thin Films and coatings: New research", ed. B.M. Caruta, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, (2005), pp. 27-48. 60. E.Atanassova, A.Paskaleva, “Challenges of Ta2O5 as high-k Dielectric for Nanoscale DRAMs”, invited lecture, Proc. 25th Intern. Conf. on Microelectronics, (MIEL 2006), Belgrade, Serbia, 14-17 May, 2006, IEEE El. Dev. Soc.Vol. 1, (2006) pp. 47-54 61. A. Paskaleva , M. Lemberger, A.J. Bauer “Stress induced leakage currents and charge trapping in thin Zr- and Hf-silicate layers”, Proc. 25th Intern. Conf. on Microelectronics, (MIEL 2006), Belgrade, Serbia, 14-17 May, 2006, IEEE El. Dev. Soc.Vol. 2, (2006) pp.589-592. 62. E. Atanassova, D. Spassov, A. Paskaleva , “Effect of the metal electrode on the characteristics of Ta2O5 capacitors for DRAM applications”, Proc. 25th Intern. Conf. on Microelectronics, (MIEL 2006), Belgrade, Serbia, 14-17 May, 2006, IEEE El. Dev. Soc.Vol. 2, (2006) pp.581-584. 63. A. Paskaleva , E. Atanassova, “Beneficial effect of post metallization H2 annealing on Ta2O5 stack capacitors”, J.Phys.D:Appl.Phys., 39 (2006) 2950-2954. 64. E.Atanassova, D.Spassov, A. Paskaleva , “Influence of the metal electrode on the characteristics of thermal Ta2O5 capacitors”, Microel. Engineering, 83/10 (2006) pp 1918-1926. 65. A. Paskaleva , E. Atanassova, “Post-metallization H2 annealing of electrically active defects in Ta2O5 / nitrided Si stacks”, Proc. 6th Intern. Conf. on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, 16-18 Oct. 2006, IEEE El. Dev. Soc. Cat. N=06 EX1383, (2006) pp 25-28. 66. A. Paskaleva , M. Lemberger, A.J. Bauer “Stress induced leakage current mechanism in thin Hf-silicate layers”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89 (25) (2006) 67. E. Atanassova, D. Spassov, A. Paskaleva, K. Kostov, “Composition of Ta2O5 stacked films on N2O- and NH3 -nitrided Si”, Appl.Surf. Sci. 253 (2006) 2841-2851. 68. E. Atanassova, A. Paskaleva , “The effect of metal electrode on the electrical characteristics of Ta2O5 capacitors for DRAM applications”, in: “New Materials and Processes for Incoming Semiconductors Technologies”, eds. S. Duenas, H. Castan, Transworld Research Network (2006), pp.77-111. 69. E. Atanassova, A. Paskaleva , “Challenges of Ta2O5 as high-k dielectric for nanoscale DRAMs”, invited paper, Microel. Reliab. (in press). 70. E. Atanassova, D. Spassov, A. Paskaleva , “Metal gates and gate-deposition defects in Ta2O5 stack capacitors”, Microel. Reliab. (in press). 71. A. Paskaleva , M. Lemberger, A.J. Bauer, “Polarity asymmetry of stress and charge trapping behavior of thin Hf- and Zr-silicate layers”, Microel. Reliab. (in press) · |
Assoc. Prof. PhD Albena Paskaleva |