Dr Stefan K. Balabanov


Born: in Sofia in 1932.

Graduated: from the Faculty of Physics at the University of Sofia in 1955.
The same year he was appointed as researcher at the Laboratory " Photoelectric Properties of Semiconductors" of the Institute of Physics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
He obtained his PhD degree in 1975 on the thesis "Surface Photoelectric Processes in Cadmium Sulphide Under the Influence of Oxygen and Water Vapours". In 1978 he joined the Laboratory for optical recording of information on amorphous semiconductors.
Since 1980 he carries out investigations on the electrical, optical and properties of thin dielectric layers after ion implantation with carbon. Since 1985 he is Associate Professor.


He has been carrying diffuse optical spectra investigations in the visible range for amorphoussemiconductor films. These studies have been alsoextended into the direction of defining the changesin the optical and electrical properties of differentpolymers implanted with carbon (C+), selenium (Se+) and silicon (Si+) ions. Post implantationgamma irradiation has been used for effectivemodification of the obtained changed by the ionimplantation properties of the polymer surfaces.These changes are characteristic both for the visible

and the near ultra-violet (UV) range (up to 220 nm) of the spectrum, changing drastically their electro-physical properties as well.   The results obtained during recent years have been

cited in a number of publications and the monography"Photovhemistry", v.35, 450 pages, editor I.Dunkin,Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing, London, 2005,


Scientific publications: over 94.

S. Balabanov, E. Skordeva, C. Marinova, "Peculiarities of the D.C. Conductivity of Thin Amorphous As-Se Layers. After C+ Implantation", Physica Status Solidi (a), 151, 143-149 (1995).

S. Balabanov, T. Tsvetkova, K. Nanev, E. Skordeva, C. Marinova, "Formation of Carbon Aggregates in Ion Implanted Amorphous As-Se", Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 192&193, 482-485 (1995).

S. Balabanov, K. Krezhov, "Electrical Conductivity and Electrostatic Properties of Radiationally Modified Polymer Composites with Carbon Black", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 32, 2573-2577 (1999).

K. Velichkova, K. Krezhov, S. Balabanov, "Temperature Dependence of Surface D.C. Electrical Conductivity of Carbon-Implanted Polymers Modified by Gamma Irradiation", Vacuum, 58, 531-535 (2000).

K. Velichkova, K. Krezhov, S. Balabanov, “On the DC electrical transport in carbon implanted polymers modified by gamma irradiation”, Balkan Physics Letters 9, 198-202, (2001).

K. Velichkova, K. Krezhov, S. Balabanov, Ch. Angelov, “Gamma irradiation effects on the DC voltage current characteristics of carbon implanted polymers”, Proc. 11th ISCMP, Varna 2000, World Sci. Singapore, J. Marshall, A. Petrov and D. Nesheva Ed., 2001, pp. 488-491.

K. Krezhov, K. Velitchkova, S. Balabanov, "DC surface transport properties of selenium implanted polymethylmetacrylate, Vacuum, 69 (1-3), 113-118 (2003).

T. Tsvetkova, S. Balabanov, E. Skordeva, S. Kitova, J. Sielanko, D. Maczka, J. Zuk, "Jon implantation induced surface morphology changes in thin As3Se2 films, Vacuum, 70, 471-475 (2003).

S. Balabanov, K. Velichkova, K. Krezhov, “Photoluminescence of carbon-implanted ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene composite and its modification by gamma irradiation”, Vacuum, 69, 107-112 (2003).

T. Tsvetkova, S. Balabanov, E. Skordeva, S. Kitova, J. Sielanko, D. Maczka, J. Zuk, "Surface morphology effects of post-implantation annealing and thin amorphous films of the As-Se system", Vacuum, 72, 143-147 (2004).

K. Velichkova, K. Krezhov, S. Balabanov, "DC surface transport properties of selenium-implanted PMMA”, Vacuum, 762, 319-323 (2004).

S. Balabanov, K. Kolentsov, L. Yourukova, A. Rachkova, “Optical properties of fullerenes in xylene and polyepoxy oligomer media”, Annuare de L’Universite de Sofia, Fac. de chemic, 98-99 (2006).


 last update January 2007